7 January 2021

The journey of change

We spoke with Gino Carciola at Miljömatematik, who for a couple of years now has been leading us in the work of becoming a company that takes the issue of sustainability seriously:

“It is very fun to work with Mousetrapper. Even when we started the collaboration, they thought right a lot. They were prepared to live up to high sustainability requirements for the products they produce – according to what is possible today. You want to act instead of reacting “, says Gino. “We try to turn every stone to what is possible. Right now we are talking about very sustainable management, which is a prerequisite for success. Management must take responsibility for the issue – and this applies from both a social, economic and environmental sustainability perspective. ”

“In the work of developing a sustainability strategy and a management system that can lead the daily work, we look at several important areas such as Climate, Resources – both nature and material – and Sustainable supply chain. We link it to the global goals in Agenda 2030 “, says Gino.

“It is interesting to see how the issue develops. I believe that no matter how small an actor you are, you can have a massive impact. And Mousetrapper is really trying to pull his weight! ”Concludes Gino Carciola.

Anders Ehnbom, CEO

Do you want to know more about our sustainability work, or have questions? Do not hesitate to contact me. I can not answer everything but I can answer as best I can. You can reach me at anders.ehnbom@mousetrapper.com, +46 76 949 70 44.