10 December 2021

Finally! Now our first Climate Report is ready.

It may seem late, but it has been a big job to get our first climate accounts for 2020 ready. We have learned a lot that will make it easier to put together this year’s Climate Report, and it has given us a good overview of where our emissions take place.

We have looked at our environmental impact in three parts, where the first two are about our own direct emissions, which is easiest to calculate. The third part is mainly about purchased goods and services as well as transport, which is trickier.
Another thing that is more difficult to influence is, for example, heat consumption, where we currently use district heating. What we can do is try to influence property owners and district heating companies for improvements.
Perhaps the most apparent result is that we need to focus on producing our products better, and there we have started a few different things. The ambition is that we will be able to steadily reduce our emissions to be in line with the Paris Agreement.

“If you are to summarize what we have learned in the Climate Report, it is that the most significant impact is on the products we buy and the ones we emit. Products simply have a climate impact, which may sound obvious “, says David Larsson, responsible for sustainability at Mousetrapper. “The big difference to us is that now we are starting to get a grip on how big our environmental impact is, and then we can start quantifying what we want to achieve.”

Cooperation is necessary

The tools we use show standard emissions, which is not perfect but gives a decent picture. What is obvious is that we need to find ways to collaborate with our suppliers. This is not something we can do on our own, and one of our most important partners is our plastics supplier in Estonia.
Estonia today primarily uses oil shale for its energy production. Now that our supplier has switched to using only renewable electricity, it will significantly impact our climate footprint.
It is a first step in collaborating with suppliers, but we have many others left to process. It will not be easy; some are big corporations, with us being a minor player. But we believe that the more people who make demands, the faster a change takes place with them as well.

Successful tests with recycled plastics

We have previously written about how we have started manufacturing a battery cover in recycled plastic. It has actually gone better than expected, and we have tried to run it on one of our existing products as a whole, which worked much better than we thought.
Recycled plastic behaves a little differently and does not flow in the same way in the moulds. This means that you already need to take it into account in the design process and make the goods a little thicker in critical parts. But the fact is that it seems to work great in our existing products as well. So now we are investing in designing all new launches to be produced in recycled plastic – but we will also make a controlled transition in 2022, with the goal that all existing products will also consist of recycled plastic. The longer we can keep fossil materials alive, the less the environmental impact.

Anders Ehnbom, CEO

Do you want to know more about our sustainability work, or have questions? Do not hesitate to contact me. I can not answer everything but I can answer as best I can. You can reach me on anders.ehnbom@mousetrapper.com, +46 76 949 70 44.